Legal Notices

Published on April 2009 the website is owned exclusively by the département de biologie de l’ENS, and respects the French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.


Département de Biologie de l’École normale supérieure 46 rue d’Ulm F-75230 Paris cedex 05


Pierre Paoletti, Director or the Département de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure

Technical Informations

Hosting and management of the website: Service Informatique du département de biologie de l’ENS. Accessibility according to Law n°2005-102 for equal opportunity, participation and citizenship for disabled people.


Content, graphics, and design are property of the département de biologie de l’ENS and/or their use has been acquired by a third person. A copy, partial or total, is allowed only by explicit agreement of the département de biologie de l’ENS. The département de biologie de l’ENS agrees to the use of links directing to its website, as long as the pages do not open inside another website, but on a separate window. The département de biologie de l’ENS updates regularly the website but cannot guarantee the accuracy and/or topicality of the information published. You can notify the webmaster of any error, out-of-date information or broken link: Right of Accessing, Modifying, Correcting and Suppressing Data (Law nº78-17 of January 6 1978, about Informatic, Files and Liberty, or "Loi Informatique et Libertés") Every person whose name or picture (allowing his/her identification) appears on this website can, at any time, ask for the suppression or modification of information relating to him/her, by sending an email to the webmaster:

Rights and Duties of Users

The use of this website is subject to French legal dispositions about nominative treatments. Users are responsible for the queries they make as well as for the interpretation and use they make of results. They have to make a use respecting the current reglementations and the recommandations of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) when data have a nominative character. Capturing nominative information in order to create or enrich another nominative treatement (for instance, for a commercial or advertising use) is strictly forbidden for all countries. Information on the Personal data protection When browsing the website we collect information about IP address, date/time of visit, page visited, browser type, data transferred and success of the request. This information is collected to better understand how visitors use the Genomicus website, to create summary reports, to monitor, protect the security and stability of our website resources.